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元组类型表示固定长度的列表,其中元素可以具有不同的类型。这与 数组类型 形成对比,数组类型 的长度未知,并且所有元素都具有相同的类型。

¥Tuple types represent a fixed length list, where the elements can have different types. This is in contrast to array types, which have an unknown length and all elements have the same type.


¥Tuple Basics

JavaScript 数组字面量值可用于创建元组和数组类型:

¥JavaScript array literal values can be used to create both tuple and array types:

1const arr: Array<number> = [1, 2, 3]; // As an array type2const tup: [number, number, number] = [1, 2, 3]; // As a tuple type

在 Flow 中,你可以使用 [type1, type2, type3] 语法创建元组类型:

¥In Flow you can create tuple types using the [type1, type2, type3] syntax:

1const tuple1: [number] = [1];2const tuple2: [number, boolean] = [1, true];3const tuple3: [number, boolean, string] = [1, true, "three"];


¥When you get a value from a tuple at a specific index, it will return the type at that index:

1const tuple: [number, boolean, string] = [1, true, "three"];2
3const num: number = tuple[0]; // Works!4const bool: boolean = tuple[1]; // Works!5const str: string  = tuple[2]; // Works!


¥Trying to access an index that does not exist results in an index-out-of-bounds error:

1const tuple: [number, boolean, string] = [1, true, "three"];2
3const none = tuple[3]; // Error!

如果 Flow 不知道你正在尝试访问哪个索引,它将返回所有可能的类型:

¥If Flow doesn't know which index you are trying to access it will return all possible types:

1const tuple: [number, boolean, string] = [1, true, "three"];2
3function getItem(n: number) {4  const val: number | boolean | string = tuple[n];5  // ...6}


¥When setting a new value inside a tuple, the new value must match the type at that index:

1const tuple: [number, boolean, string] = [1, true, "three"];2
3tuple[0] = 2;     // Works!4tuple[1] = false; // Works!5tuple[2] = "foo"; // Works!6
7tuple[0] = "bar"; // Error!8tuple[1] = 42;    // Error!9tuple[2] = false; // Error!


¥Strictly enforced tuple length (arity)

元组的长度称为 "数量"。Flow 中严格执行元组的长度。

¥The length of the tuple is known as the "arity". The length of a tuple is strictly enforced in Flow.


¥This means that a shorter tuple can't be used in place of a longer one:

1const tuple1: [number, boolean] = [1, true];2
3const tuple2: [number, boolean, void] = tuple1; // Error!


¥Also, a longer tuple can't be used in place of a shorter one:

1const tuple1: [number, boolean, void] = [1, true, undefined];2
3const tuple2: [number, boolean] = tuple1; // Error!

可选元素 使数量成为一个范围。

¥Optional elements make the arity into a range.


¥Tuples don't match array types

由于 Flow 不知道数组的长度,因此无法将 Array<T> 类型传递到元组中:

¥Since Flow does not know the length of an array, an Array<T> type cannot be passed into a tuple:

1const array: Array<number> = [1, 2];2
3const tuple: [number, number] = array; // Error!

此外,元组类型不能传递给 Array<T> 类型,因为那时你可以以不安全的方式改变元组(例如,将第三个项目 pushing 到它上面):

¥Also a tuple type cannot be passed into to an Array<T> type, since then you could mutate the tuple in an unsafe way (for example, pushing a third item onto it):

1const tuple: [number, number] = [1, 2];2
3const array: Array<number> = tuple; // Error!

但是,你可以将其传递给 $ReadOnlyArray 类型,因为不允许突变:

¥However, you can pass it to a $ReadOnlyArray type, since mutation is disallowed:

1const tuple: [number, number] = [1, 2];2
3const array: $ReadOnlyArray<number> = tuple; // Works!


¥Cannot use mutating array methods on tuples

你不能使用 Array.prototype 方法来改变元组,只能使用不改变元组的方法:

¥You cannot use Array.prototype methods that mutate the tuple, only ones that do not:

1const tuple: [number, number] = [1, 2];2tuple.join(', '); // Works!3
4tuple.push(3); // Error!


¥Length refinement

你可以根据元组的长度来优化 联合 个元组:

¥You can refine a union of tuples by their length:

1type Union = [number, string] | [boolean];2function f(x: Union) {3  if (x.length === 2) {4    // `x` is `[number, string]`5    const n: number = x[0]; // OK6    const s: string = x[1]; // OK7  } else {8    // `x` is `[boolean]`9    const b: boolean = x[0];10  }11}


¥Tuple element labels

注意:本节和以下部分要求你按照本页末尾的 "采纳" 部分所述更新工具。

¥NOTE: This and the following sections require your tooling to be updated as described in the "Adoption" section at the end of this page.


¥You can add a label to tuple elements. This label does not affect the type of the tuple element, but is useful in self-documenting the purpose of the tuple elements, especially when multiple elements have the same type.

1type Range = [x: number, y: number];


¥The label is also necessary to add a variance annotation or optionality modifier to an element (as without the label we would have parsing ambiguities).


¥Variance annotations and read-only tuples

你可以在带标签的元组元素上添加 方差 注释(表示只读/只写),就像在对象属性上一样:

¥You can add variance annotations (to denote read-only/write-only) on labeled tuple elements, just like on object properties:

1type T = [+foo: number, -bar: string];


¥This allows you to mark elements as read-only or write-only. For example:

1function f(readOnlyTuple: [+foo: number, +bar: string]) {2  const n: number = readOnlyTuple[0]; // OK to read3  readOnlyTuple[1] = 1; // ERROR! Cannot write4}

你还可以在元组类型上使用 $ReadOnly 作为将每个属性标记为只读的简写:

¥You can also use the $ReadOnly on tuple types as a shorthand for marking each property as read-only:

1type T = $ReadOnly<[number, string]>; // Same as `[+a: number, +b: string]`


¥Optional tuple elements

你可以在元素标签后使用 ? 将元组元素标记为可选。这允许你省略可选元素。可选元素必须位于元组类型的末尾,位于所有必需元素之后。

¥You can mark tuple elements as optional with ? after an element’s label. This allows you to omit the optional elements. Optional elements must be at the end of the tuple type, after all required elements.

1type T = [foo: number, bar?: string];2[1, "s"] as T; // OK: has all elements3[1] as T; // OK: skipping optional element

你不能将 undefined 写入可选元素 - 如果你愿意,请将 | void 添加到元素类型:

¥You cannot write undefined to the optional element - add | void to the element type if you want to do so:

1type T = [foo?: number, bar?: number | void];2declare const x: T;3x[0] = undefined; // ERROR4[undefined] as T; // ERROR5
6x[1] = undefined; // OK: we've added `| void` to the element type

你还可以使用 PartialRequired 工具类型分别使所有元素成为可选或必需:

¥You can also use the Partial and Required utility types to make all elements optional or required respectively:

1type AllRequired = [number, string];2[] as Partial<AllRequired>; // OK: like `[a?: number, b?: string]` now3
4type AllOptional = [a?: number, b?: string];5[] as Required<AllOptional>; // ERROR: like `[a: number, b: string]` now

具有可选元素的元组的数量(长度)是一个范围而不是单个数字。例如,[number, b?: string] 的长度为 1-2。

¥Tuples with optional elements have an arity (length) that is a range rather than a single number. For example, [number, b?: string] has an length of 1-2.


¥Tuple spread


¥You can spread a tuple type into another tuple type to make a longer tuple type:

1type A = [number, string];2type T = [...A, boolean]; // Same as `[number, string, boolean]`3[1, "s", true] as T; // OK


¥Tuple spreads preserve labels, variance, and optionality. You cannot spread arrays into tuples, only other tuples.

在值级别,如果将带有可选元素的元组展开到数组字面量中,那么在展开之后就不能再有任何内容,并保留数组值的元组视图。这是因为具有可选元素的元组的长度是一个范围,因此我们不知道任何后续值将位于哪个索引处。你仍然可以将此值键入为适当的 Array<T> 类型 - 仅值的元组视图受到影响。

¥At the value level, if you spread a tuple with optional elements into an array literal, then you cannot have anything after that spread and retain the tuple view of the array value. That is because a tuple with optional elements has a length that's a range, so we don't know at what index any subsequent values would be at. You can still type this value as the appropriate Array<T> type - only the tuple view of the value is affected.

1const a: [foo?: 1] = [];2const b = [0, ...a, 2]; // At runtime this is `[0, 2]`3b as [0, 1 | void, 2]; // ERROR4b as Array<number | void>; // OK5
6const c: [0, foo?: 1] = [0];7const d: [bar?: 2] = [2];8const e = [...c, ...d]; // At runtime this is `[0, 2]`9e as [0, foo?: 1, bar?: 2]; // ERROR10e as Array<number | void>; // OK


¥Inexact tuples

不精确元组类型的工作方式与 不精确的对象 类似:它们允许元组末尾有未知成员。

¥Inexact tuple types work like inexact objects: they allow for unknown members at the end of the tuple.

1[] as [...]; // OK2[1] as [...]; // OK3[1] as [number, ...]; // OK

所有元组都是不精确空元组 [...] 的子类型。

¥All tuples are subtypes of the inexact empty tuple [...].


¥If you spread an inexact tuple, the result is also inexact. You cannot define elements after the spread of an inexact tuple, since we wouldn't know at what index they should be.

1declare const x: [1, ...];2const y = [0, ...x];3y as [0, 1]; // ERROR: it's inexact4y as [0, 1, ...]; // OK5
6[...x, 2]; // ERROR: can't have element after inexact spread


¥Inexact tuples allow you to require that a generic is a tuple, e.g.

1function mapTupleArray<T: [...], R>(2  tuples: Array<T>, // An array of tuples3  f: (...T) => R, // Function args match the tuple's types4): Array<R> {5  return => f(...args));6}7mapTupleArray(8  [[1, 'hi'], [3, 'bye']],9  (x: number, y: string) => y.length === x,10); // OK11
12declare const arrays: Array<Array<number>>;13mapTupleArray(arrays, (x: number, y: number) => x + y); // ERROR: array is not a tuple




¥To use labeled tuple elements (including optional elements and variance annotations on elements) and tuple spread elements, you need to upgrade your infrastructure so that it supports the syntax:

  • flowflow-parser:0.212

    ¥flow and flow-parser: 0.212

  • prettier:3

  • babelbabel-plugin-syntax-hermes-parser (v0.15)。请参阅 我们的 Babel 指南 了解设置说明。

    ¥babel with babel-plugin-syntax-hermes-parser (v0.15). See our Babel guide for setup instructions.

  • eslinthermes-eslint (v0.15)。请参阅 我们的 ESLint 指南 了解设置说明。

    ¥eslint with hermes-eslint (v0.15). See our ESLint guide for setup instructions.


¥To use inexact tuples, upgrade to:

  • flowflow-parser:0.243

    ¥flow and flow-parser: 0.243

  • prettier:3.3

  • babelbabel-plugin-syntax-hermes-parser (v0.23)。请参阅 我们的 Babel 指南 了解设置说明。

    ¥babel with babel-plugin-syntax-hermes-parser (v0.23). See our Babel guide for setup instructions.

  • eslinthermes-eslint (v0.23)。请参阅 我们的 ESLint 指南 了解设置说明。

    ¥eslint with hermes-eslint (v0.23). See our ESLint guide for setup instructions.