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React 导出了一些工具类型,在你输入高级 React 模式时可能对你有用。在前面的章节中我们已经看到了其中的一些。以下是每种类型的完整参考以及有关如何/在何处使用它们的一些示例。

¥React exports a handful of utility types that may be useful to you when typing advanced React patterns. In previous sections we have seen a few of them. The following is a complete reference for each of these types along with some examples for how/where to use them.

这些类型全部作为命名类型从 react 模块导出。如果你想将它们作为 React 对象上的成员进行访问(例如 React.Node),并且你将 React 作为 ES 模块导入,那么你应该将 React 作为命名空间导入:

¥These types are all exported as named type exports from the react module. If you want to access them as members on the React object (e.g. React.Node) and you are importing React as an ES module then you should import React as a namespace:

import * as React from 'react';

如果你使用 CommonJS,你还可以要求 React:

¥If you are using CommonJS you can also require React:

const React = require('react');

你还可以在 ES 模块环境或 CommonJS 环境中使用命名类型导入:

¥You can also use named type imports in either an ES module environment or a CommonJS environment:

import type {Node} from 'react';


¥We will refer to all the types in the following reference as if we imported them with:

import * as React from 'react';

注意:使用默认导入导入 React 时:

¥Note: While importing React with a default import works:

import React from 'react';

你将可以访问 React 导出的所有值,但无法访问下面记录的类型!这是因为 Flow 不会将类型添加到默认导出,因为默认导出可以是任何值(例如数字)。Flow 会将导出的命名类型添加到 ES 命名空间对象中,你可以使用 import * as React from 'react' 获取该对象,因为 Flow 知道你是否导出与导出类型同名的值。

¥You will have access to all of the values that React exports, but you will not have access to the types documented below! This is because Flow will not add types to a default export since the default export could be any value (like a number). Flow will add exported named types to an ES namespace object which you can get with import * as React from 'react' since Flow knows if you export a value with the same name as an exported type.

同样,如果你使用以下命令导入 React:import React from 'react' 你将能够访问 React.ComponentReact.createElement()React.Children 和其他 JavaScript 值。但是,你将无法访问 React.NodeReact.ChildrenArray 或其他 Flow 类型。你将需要使用命名类型导入,例如:import type {Node} from 'react' 除了你的默认导入之外。

¥Again, if you import React with: import React from 'react' you will be able to access React.Component, React.createElement(), React.Children, and other JavaScript values. However, you will not be able to access React.Node, React.ChildrenArray or other Flow types. You will need to use a named type import like: import type {Node} from 'react' in addition to your default import.


这代表可以在 React 应用中渲染的任何节点。React.Node 可以是 null、布尔值、数字、字符串、React 元素或任何这些类型的递归数组。

¥This represents any node that can be rendered in a React application. React.Node can be null, a boolean, a number, a string, a React element, or an array of any of those types recursively.

React.Node 是一个很好的默认值,可用于注释函数组件和类渲染方法的返回类型。你还可以使用它来键入组件作为子组件接收的元素。

¥React.Node is a good default to use to annotate the return type of a function component and class render methods. You can also use it to type elements your component takes in as children.

以下是 React.Node 用作函数组件的返回类型的示例:

¥Here is an example of React.Node being used as the return type to a function component:

function MyComponent(props: {}): React.Node {
// ...

它也可以用作 render 类方法的返回类型:

¥It may also be used as the return type of a class render method:

class MyComponent extends React.Component<{}> {
render(): React.Node {
// ...

以下是 React.Node 作为子项 prop 类型的示例:

¥Here is an example of React.Node as the prop type for children:

function MyComponent({ children }: { children: React.Node }) {
return <div>{children}</div>;

所有 react-dom JSX 内在函数都将 React.Node 作为其子类型。<div><span> 以及所有其他的。

¥All react-dom JSX intrinsics have React.Node as their children type. <div>, <span>, and all the rest.


所有 React 元素中最通用的类型(类似于所有值的 mixed)。

¥The most general type of all React elements (similar to mixed for all values).


¥A common use case of this type is when we want to annotate an element with a type that hides the element details. For example

const element: React.MixedElement = <div />;


React 子数组可以是单个值或嵌套到任何级别的数组。它设计用于与 React.Children API 一起使用。

¥A React children array can be a single value or an array nested to any level. It is designed to be used with the React.Children API.

例如,如果你想从 React.ChildrenArray<T> 获取普通的 JavaScript 数组,请参见以下示例:

¥For example if you want to get a normal JavaScript array from a React.ChildrenArray<T> see the following example:

import * as React from 'react';

// A children array can be a single value...
const children: React.ChildrenArray<number> = 42;
// ...or an arbitrarily nested array.
const children: React.ChildrenArray<number> = [[1, 2], 3, [4, 5]];

// Using the `React.Children` API can flatten the array.
const array: Array<number> = React.Children.toArray(children);

React.AbstractComponent<Config, Instance, Renders>


在 Flow v0.243.0+ 中,请考虑使用 组件类型,这将使你更容易将 Flow 代码迁移到 React 19。该类型将在 Flow v0.251.0 中被删除。

¥In Flow v0.243.0+, consider using Component Types instead, which will make it easier to migrate your Flow code to React 19. The type will be removed in Flow v0.251.0.

React.AbstractComponent<Config, Instance, Renders> 表示具有 Config 类型配置和 Instance 类型实例的组件,该组件渲染 Renders 类型的内容。

¥React.AbstractComponent<Config, Instance, Renders> represents a component with a config of type Config and instance of type Instance that renders something of type Renders.

组件的 Config 是你需要传递给 JSX 的对象类型,以便使用该组件创建元素。组件的 Instance 是写入到传递到 JSX 中 ref 属性的 ref 对象的 current 字段中的值的类型。Renders组件语法 的一项功能,允许你指定组件通过 渲染类型 渲染的内容

¥The Config of a component is the type of the object you need to pass in to JSX in order to create an element with that component. The Instance of a component is the type of the value that is written to the current field of a ref object passed into the ref prop in JSX. Renders is a Component Syntax feature that allows you to specify what your component renders via Render Types

Config 是必需的,但 Instance 是可选的,默认为混合,Renders 是可选的,默认为 React.Node。

¥Config is required, but Instance is optional and defaults to mixed and Renders is optional and defaults to React.Node.

具有配置 Config 的类或函数组件可以用在需要 React.AbstractComponent<Config> 的地方。

¥A class or function component with config Config may be used in places that expect React.AbstractComponent<Config>.

这是 Flow 对 React 组件最抽象的表示,对于编写 HOC 和库定义最有用。

¥This is Flow's most abstract representation of a React component, and is most useful for writing HOCs and library definitions.


这与 React.AbstractComponent 相同,但仅指定第一个类型参数。

¥This is the same as React.AbstractComponent, but only specifies the first type argument.


React.AbstractComponent<Props> 类似,但它还包含 JSX 内在函数(字符串)。

¥Similar to React.AbstractComponent<Props> except it also includes JSX intrinsics (strings).

React.ElementType 的定义大致为:

¥The definition for React.ElementType is roughly:

type ElementType =
| string
| React.ComponentType<empty>;


React 元素上 key prop 的类型。它是字符串和数字的联合,定义为:

¥The type of the key prop on React elements. It is a union of strings and numbers defined as:

type Key = string | number;

React.Ref<typeof Component>

React 元素上的 ref 属性 的类型。React.Ref<typeof Component> 可以是字符串、ref 对象或 ref 函数。

¥The type of the ref prop on React elements. React.Ref<typeof Component> could be a string, ref object, or ref function.

ref 函数将采用一个且唯一的参数,该参数将是使用 React.ElementRef<typeof Component> 或自 React 在卸载时会将 null 传递给 ref 函数 以来的 null 检索的元素实例。

¥The ref function will take one and only argument which will be the element instance which is retrieved using React.ElementRef<typeof Component> or null since React will pass null into a ref function when unmounting.

React.Element<typeof Component> 一样,typeof Component 必须是 React 组件的类型,因此你需要像 React.Ref<typeof MyComponent> 一样使用 typeof

¥Like React.Element<typeof Component>, typeof Component must be the type of a React component so you need to use typeof as in React.Ref<typeof MyComponent>.

React.Ref<typeof Component> 的定义大致为:

¥The definition for React.Ref<typeof Component> is roughly:

type Ref<C> =
| string
| (instance: React.ElementRef<C> | null) => mixed;
| { -current: React$ElementRef<ElementType> | null, ... }


当使用 组件语法 编写 Component 时,React.PropsOf<Component> 为你提供一个对象的类型,你必须传入该对象类型才能使用 JSX 实例化 Component。重要的是,具有默认值的 props 在结果类型中是可选的。

¥When Component is written using Component Syntax, React.PropsOf<Component> gives you the type of an object that you must pass in to instantiate Component with JSX. Importantly, the props with defaults are optional in the resulting type.


¥For example:

1import * as React from 'react';2
3component MyComponent(foo: number, bar: string = 'str') {4  return null;5}6
7// Only foo is required8({foo: 3}) as React.PropsOf<MyComponent>;

React.ElementConfig<typeof Component>

React.PropsOf 一样,此实用程序获取必须传递给组件的对象的类型,以便通过 createElement()jsx() 实例化它。PropsOf 接受组件的元素,这在使用 组件语法 时很方便,而 ElementConfig 则接受组件的类型。typeof Component 必须是 React 组件的类型,因此你需要像 React.ElementConfig<typoef Component> 一样使用 typeof

¥Like React.PropsOf, this utility gets the type of the object that you must pass in to a component in order to instantiate it via createElement() or jsx(). While PropsOf takes in an element of a component, which is convenient when using Component Syntax, ElementConfig takes in the type of a component instead. typeof Component must be the type of a React component so you need to use typeof as in React.ElementConfig<typoef Component>.

重要的是,具有默认值的 props 在结果类型中是可选的。

¥Importantly, props with defaults are optional in the resulting type.


¥For example,

import * as React from 'react';

class MyComponent extends React.Component<{foo: number}> {
static defaultProps = {foo: 42};

render() {

// `React.ElementProps<>` requires `foo` even though it has a `defaultProp`.
({foo: 42}) as React.ElementProps<typeof MyComponent>;

// `React.ElementConfig<>` does not require `foo` since it has a `defaultProp`.
({}) as React.ElementConfig<typeof MyComponent>;

React.Element<typeof Component> 一样,typeof Component 必须是 React 组件的类型,因此你需要像 React.ElementProps<typeof MyComponent> 一样使用 typeof

¥Like React.Element<typeof Component>, typeof Component must be the type of a React component so you need to use typeof as in React.ElementProps<typeof MyComponent>.

React.ElementProps<typeof Component>

注意:因为 React.ElementProps 不保留 defaultProps 的可选性,所以 React.ElementConfig(保留)通常是正确的选择,特别是对于像 高阶分量 这样的简单属性传递。你可能不应该使用 ElementProps。

¥Note: Because React.ElementProps does not preserve the optionality of defaultProps, React.ElementConfig (which does) is more often the right choice, especially for simple props pass-through as with higher-order components. You probably should not use ElementProps.

获取 React 元素类型的 props,而不保留 defaultProps 的可选性。typeof Component 可以是 React 类组件、函数组件或 JSX 内部字符串的类型。此类型用于 React.Element<typeof Component> 上的 props 属性。

¥Gets the props for a React element type, without preserving the optionality of defaultProps. typeof Component could be the type of a React class component, a function component, or a JSX intrinsic string. This type is used for the props property on React.Element<typeof Component>.

React.Element<typeof Component> 一样,typeof Component 必须是 React 组件的类型,因此你需要像 React.ElementProps<typeof MyComponent> 一样使用 typeof

¥Like React.Element<typeof Component>, typeof Component must be the type of a React component so you need to use typeof as in React.ElementProps<typeof MyComponent>.


使用 组件语法 时,React.RefOf<Component> 将为你提供组件 ref 属性上 current 字段的类型。如果组件上没有 ref 属性,它将返回 void

¥When using Component Syntax, React.RefOf<Component> will give you the type of the current field on the ref prop of the component. If there is no ref prop on the component it will return void.

React.ElementRef<typeof Component>

获取 React 元素的实例类型。对于不同的组件类型,实例会有所不同:

¥Gets the instance type for a React element. The instance will be different for various component types:

  • React.AbstractComponent<Config, Instance> 将返回 Instance 类型。

    ¥React.AbstractComponent<Config, Instance> will return the Instance type.

  • React 类组件将是类实例。因此,如果你有 class Foo extends React.Component<{}> {} 并使用 React.ElementRef<typeof Foo>,那么该类型将是 Foo 的实例。

    ¥React class components will be the class instance. So if you had class Foo extends React.Component<{}> {} and used React.ElementRef<typeof Foo> then the type would be the instance of Foo.

  • React 函数组件没有支持实例,因此 React.ElementRef<typeof Bar>(当 Barfunction Bar() {} 时)将为你提供 void 类型。

    ¥React function components do not have a backing instance and so React.ElementRef<typeof Bar> (when Bar is function Bar() {}) will give you the void type.

  • div 这样的 JSX 内在函数会给你他们的 DOM 实例。对于 React.ElementRef<'div'>,则为 HTMLDivElement。对于 React.ElementRef<'input'>,则为 HTMLInputElement

    ¥JSX intrinsics like div will give you their DOM instance. For React.ElementRef<'div'> that would be HTMLDivElement. For React.ElementRef<'input'> that would be HTMLInputElement.

React.Element<typeof Component> 一样,typeof Component 必须是 React 组件的类型,因此你需要像 React.ElementRef<typeof MyComponent> 一样使用 typeof

¥Like React.Element<typeof Component>, typeof Component must be the type of a React component so you need to use typeof as in React.ElementRef<typeof MyComponent>.

React.Config<Props, DefaultProps>


此类型将在 0.257.0 中被删除。此类型通常仅对旧式类组件有用。你可以使用以下方式创建自己的等效类型

¥This type will be removed in 0.257.0. This type is usually only useful for legacy class components. You can create your own equivalent type with

1type ReactConfigShim<Props, DefaultProps> = $ReadOnly<{2  ...Omit<Props, $Keys<DefaultProps>>, ...Partial<DefaultProps>3}>;4

Calculates a config object from props and default props.

ExactReactElement_DEPRECATED<typeof Component>


This is an exact replacement of the removed 'React.Element' type since 0.245. You should use React.MixedElement or React.Node instead. If you want to enforce design system constraints, use render types instead.

A React element is the type for the value of a JSX element:

const element: ExactReactElement_DEPRECATED<'div'> = <div />;

ExactReactElement_DEPRECATED<typeof Component> 也是 React.createElement()/React.jsx() 的返回类型。

¥ExactReactElement_DEPRECATED<typeof Component> is also the return type of React.createElement()/React.jsx().

ExactReactElement_DEPRECATED 采用单一类型参数 typeof Componenttypeof Component 是 React 元素的组件类型。对于内在元素,typeof Component 将是你使用的内在元素的字符串字面量。以下是 DOM 内在函数的一些示例:

¥A ExactReactElement_DEPRECATED takes a single type argument, typeof Component. typeof Component is the component type of the React element. For an intrinsic element, typeof Component will be the string literal for the intrinsic you used. Here are a few examples with DOM intrinsics:

<div /> as ExactReactElement_DEPRECATED<'div'>; // OK
<span /> as ExactReactElement_DEPRECATED<'span'>; // OK
<div /> as ExactReactElement_DEPRECATED<'span'>; // Error: div is not a span.

typeof Component 也可以是你的 React 类组件或函数组件。

¥typeof Component can also be your React class component or function component.

function Foo(props: {}) {}
class Bar extends React.Component<{}> {}

<Foo /> as ExactReactElement_DEPRECATED<typeof Foo>; // OK
<Bar /> as ExactReactElement_DEPRECATED<typeof Bar>; // OK
<Foo /> as ExactReactElement_DEPRECATED<typeof Bar>; // Error: Foo is not Bar

记下 typeof,这是必填项!我们想要获取值 Foo 的类型。Foo as Foo 是一个错误,因为 Foo 不能用作类型,所以以下是正确的:Foo as typeof Foo

¥Take note of the typeof, it is required! We want to get the type of the value Foo. Foo as Foo is an error because Foo cannot be used as a type, so the following is correct: Foo as typeof Foo.

没有 typeofBar 将是 Bar 实例的类型:new Bar() as Bar。我们想要 Bar 的类型而不是 Bar 实例的类型。Class<Bar> 也可以在这里使用,但我们更喜欢 typeof,因为它与功能组件保持一致。

¥Bar without typeof would be the type of an instance of Bar: new Bar() as Bar. We want the type of Bar not the type of an instance of Bar. Class<Bar> would also work here, but we prefer typeof for consistency with function components.