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Visual Studio Code

Screenshot of Flow Language Support

Visual Studio Code 中的 Flow 支持由 Flow 语言支持 扩展提供。它提供了你期望的所有功能:

¥Support for Flow in Visual Studio Code is provided by the Flow Language Support extension. It provides all the functionality you would expect:

  • IntelliSense(自动补齐)

    ¥IntelliSense (Autocomplete)

  • 转到定义/查看定义

    ¥Go to Definition / Peek Definition

  • 诊断(错误、警告)

    ¥Diagnostics (Errors, Warnings)

  • 悬停类型信息

    ¥Hover type information

  • 可切换的代码覆盖率报告

    ¥Toggleable code coverage reports



在 VS Code 扩展面板中搜索 "Flow 语言支持" 或通过 市场 安装。

¥Search for "Flow Language Support" in the VS Code extensions panel or install through the Marketplace.