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.flowconfig [libs]

.flowconfig 文件中的 [libs] 部分告诉 Flow 在对代码进行类型检查时包含指定的 库定义。可以指定多个库。默认情况下,项目根目录中的 flow-typed 文件夹作为库目录包含在内。此默认值允许你使用 flow-typed 安装库定义,无需额外配置。

¥The [libs] section in a .flowconfig file tells Flow to include the specified library definitions when type checking your code. Multiple libraries can be specified. By default, the flow-typed folder in your project root directory is included as a library directory. This default allows you to use flow-typed to install library definitions without additional configuration.

[libs] 部分中的每一行都是你要包含的库文件或目录的路径。这些路径可以是相对于项目根目录的路径,也可以是绝对路径。包含目录会递归地包含该目录下的所有文件作为库文件。

¥Each line in the [libs] section is a path to the library file or directory which you would like to include. These paths can be relative to the project root directory or absolute. Including a directory recursively includes all the files under that directory as library files.