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Flow CLI

Flow 命令行工具易于在简单情况下使用。

¥The flow command line tool is made to be easy-to-use for simple cases.

使用命令 flow 将类型检查当前目录是否存在 .flowconfig 文件。如果需要,流服务器将自动启动。

¥Using the command flow will type-check your current directory if the .flowconfig file is present. A flow server will automatically be started if needed.

CLI 工具还提供了几个其他选项和命令,允许你控制服务器并构建与 Flow 集成的工具。例如,Nuclide 编辑器与 Flow 集成,在其 UI 中提供自动补齐、类型错误等功能。

¥The CLI tool also provides several other options and commands that allow you to control the server and build tools that integrate with Flow. For example, this is how the Nuclide editor integrates with Flow to provide autocompletion, type errors, etc. in its UI.

要了解有关 CLI 的更多信息,只需键入:

¥To find out more about the CLI just type:

flow --help

这将为你提供有关 Flow 可以执行的所有操作的信息。运行此命令应打印如下内容:

¥This will give you information about everything that flow can do. Running this command should print something like this:


Valid values for COMMAND:
ast Print the AST
autocomplete Queries autocompletion information
batch-coverage Shows aggregate coverage information for a group of files or directories
check Does a full Flow check and prints the results
check-contents Run typechecker on contents from stdin
config Read or write the .flowconfig file
coverage Shows coverage information for a given file
cycle Output .dot file for cycle containing the given file
find-module Resolves a module reference to a file
find-refs Gets the reference locations of a variable or property
force-recheck Forces the server to recheck a given list of files
get-def Gets the definition location of a variable or property
graph Outputs dependency graphs of flow repositories
init Initializes a directory to be used as a flow root directory
ls Lists files visible to Flow
lsp Acts as a server for the Language Server Protocol over stdin/stdout [experimental]
print-signature Prints the type signature of a file as extracted in types-first mode
server Runs a Flow server in the foreground
start Starts a Flow server
status (default) Shows current Flow errors by asking the Flow server
stop Stops a Flow server
type-at-pos Shows the type at a given file and position
version Print version information

Default values if unspecified:
COMMAND status
PROJECT_ROOT current folder

Status command options:
--color Display terminal output in color. never, always, auto (default: auto)
--from Specify client (for use by editor plugins)
--help This list of options
--json Output results in JSON format
--no-auto-start If the server is not running, do not start it; just exit
--old-output-format Use old output format (absolute file names, line and column numbers)
--one-line Escapes newlines so that each error prints on one line
--quiet Suppresses the server-status information that would have been printed to stderr
--retries Set the number of retries. (default: 3)
--show-all-errors Print all errors (the default is to truncate after 50 errors)
--strip-root Print paths without the root
--temp-dir Directory in which to store temp files (default: /tmp/flow/)
--timeout Maximum time to wait, in seconds
--version Print version number and exit


¥Example with custom project root:

├── frontend
│ ├── .flowconfig
│ └── app.js
└── backend
flow check frontend

然后,你可以通过添加 --help 标志来进一步深入研究特定的命令。

¥You can then, further dig into particular COMMANDs by adding the --help flag.


¥So, for example, if you want to know more about how the autocomplete works, you can use this command:

flow autocomplete --help